Saturday, February 19, 2011

Operation Shower

For this weeks Giving Saturday I wanted to talk to you about Operation Shower. All of us in some way have known someone or know someone who has served in the military. My list is extremely long as I am sure many of your own lists are long of people who have served. My brother served in the US Army, my Grandmother worked for the US Air Force, my Grandfather served as well but sadly I don't know what service he was in, many of my friends and their spouses have served as well, my very good friend Len over at Crafty Homeschool served with the Navy. The list goes on and on.

I recently became aware of a great organization called Operation Shower. There website explains it best so here it goes:

OPERATION SHOWER is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that honors the sacrifices military families make by producing and coordinating unit-wide baby showers and "showers in a box" for pregnant or expecting military families in a deployment or high stress situation.

Families of deployed military men are often forgotten and I love that this organization puts the pregnant women and their families as their main focus. Families sacrifice just as much if not more for their families and it is great to let these women know that we appreciate them and there families. For donating they have two different options you can become a volunteer and you can send a monetary donation as well. This is a worthy cause and I encourage you to check it out and hopefully next time you hear about Operation Shower you will know exactly what it is about.

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